In The Beginning...

I got my first laptop in 2019, it broke in 2020. But it started me out, I began making films which was a previous hobby of mine and started posting them to YouTube. They are no longer available, of course, and were pretty bad... only the odd few being ok. In either 2019 or 2020, I found an app on my phone that would let me create music, I thought this would be a great complimentary component to my films so I began making some. "Wilby Pop" and "Wally Rock" were the names I chose for the peices (Wilby and Wally are the name of some stuffed whales I have). This last bit is very important as Wilby and Wally will show up quite a lot. 


2021, quite a quiet year for music, however it was the year I first attempted to release an album called, "Be Free Like A Wally" named after the albums title track, "Be Free Like A Wally". I made this album on my phone and even though the music itself was good. The vocals not so much. In fact, there were barely any of them, out of the only 6 tracks on the album. Just 4 had vocals, and most were so quiet, that unless you were actually listening for them, you wouldn't even notice them.


2022 was the year of my first official single "Up" which was originally supposed to not be a single. However, It was decided after yet another failed album "Dance" which its was supposed to be on, it was going to be a single. I had already started working on other songs before "Up" was even released, I had made at least 50 short instrumental demos. Only 10 of them were considered as songs. After "Up" released, I decided I didn't like my 80s theme and was going to go with a 90s experimental theme instead. I created 4 songs with this theme before scrapping the idea, and going back to my 80s theme. 

This was a problem as it had delayed my next single Stop And Think's release prominently.


2023, the year I am in as I am writing this my single "Stop And Think" and "Up (Radio Edit)" have released. I also released an EP called "Have You Done It? / Love It" and an album "Retronica". The 2nd Album is in the bag and im working on the 3rd. Everything I am going to release this year has released, however I have lots in store for next year.

What's To Come.

In 2024, I Will Release, 3 Singles, 6 Remix Singles, 3 Remix EPs and an album. Depending on success there may be vinyl + cd versions.

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